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Pathology / Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Kits / Chromogens / other Reagents

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357 articles

FluoreGuard Mounting Medium (Hard Set) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211667

Unit: 30 ml

Code: FMH030

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

FluoreGuard Mounting Medium (Hard Set) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211668

Unit: 60 ml

Code: FMH060

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

FluoreGuard Mounting Medium (Hard Set) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211669

Unit: 500 ml

Code: FMH500

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

FluoreGuard Mounting Medium (Hard Set) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211670

Unit: 1000 ml

Code: FMH999

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

HRP Stabilizing Diluent (MOPS Buffered) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211603

Unit: 125 ml

Code: HSM125

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

HRP Stabilizing Diluent (MOPS Buffered) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211604

Unit: 500 ml

Code: HSM500

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

HRP Stabilizing Diluent (MOPS Buffered) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211605

Unit: 1000 ml

Code: HSM999

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

HRP Stabilizing Diluent (Phosphate Buffered) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211606

Unit: 500 ml

Code: HSB500

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

HRP Stabilizing Diluent (Phosphate Buffered) (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211607

Unit: 1000 ml

Code: HSB999

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Human-to-Human Blocking Reagent

Article no.: 212845

Unit: 15 ml

Code: HTH015

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Human-to-Human Blocking Reagent (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 212771

Unit: 8 ml

Code: HTH008

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Human-to-Human Blocking Reagent (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211513

Unit: 100 ml

Code: HTH100

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

KP Marker Plus

Article no.: 213017

Unit: 12 Pen(s)

Code: KPM-1

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Michel's Transport Fluid

Article no.: 213028

Unit: 125 ml

Code: MTF125

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse to Mouse Alk-Phos (Fast Red) Staining System (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211509

Unit: 70 Slides

Code: MTM004

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse to Mouse Alk-Phos Staining System (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211510

Unit: 400 Slides

Code: MTM005

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse to Mouse HRP (AEC) Staining System (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211507

Unit: 70 Slides

Code: MTM002

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse to Mouse HRP (DAB) Staining System (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211506

Unit: 70 Slides

Code: MTM001

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse to Mouse HRP Staining System (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211508

Unit: 400 Slides

Code: MTM003

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

Mouse-to-Mouse Blocking Reagent (CE, IVD)

Article no.: 211514

Unit: 8 ml

Code: MTM008

Manufacturer: ScyTek Laboratories Inc.

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